MEETING OUR NEW SAINTS: Limestone Has 2 More Summer Orientation Sessions Remaining!

Charles Wyatt
Orientation 1

The first of three Summer Orientation sessions was a tremendous success at Limestone University on Monday, June 26, as we welcomed so many of our new Saints and their families to campus!


And we're not done yet! We have two more Summer Orientation sessions available for our new students -- Saturday, July 15, and Monday, July 24.

Students need to only attend one of the three orientation sessions being offered this summer.

Our Summer Orientation is designed to ensure each new student has the opportunity to meet with various offices on campus and make their final preparations to begin classes in August. Our goal is that every question and concern a student or family member has is addressed before the start of the year. We want to ensure that all students are set up for a successful first year as a Saint.

Visit to reserve your spot. Just complete the online registration and submit the $25 Orientation Fee as soon as possible. The Orientation fee includes lunch. Please mark how many guests you plan to bring. Each guest can purchase lunch at the door for $10.