Hometown: Hemingway, SC
Alma Mater: Francis Marion University, Furman University
LC Saint Since: August of 2017
“Working with students in the Evening and Online Programs allows me to help someone achieve a dream and that is a great motivation to go to work every day and strive to do my best for each person I encounter.”
What/Who is your biggest inspiration?
My wife is my biggest inspiration. She is amazing in dealing with a chronic disease and does not let it get her down. She gets up every day and makes a difference in the lives of her students.
What is your favorite book, movie or TV Show?
My favorite books are "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee and "Beach Music" by Pat Conroy. My favorite movie is "Field of Dreams" and my favorite TV show is "The West Wing".
What is one goal that you plan to accomplish during your adult lifetime?
I hope to attain a Ph.D.
The thing that always makes me smile is:
My grandchildren.
You might be surprised to know:
I was in a local commercial for Fiat.
My favorite vacation spot is:
The beach.