What Are Degree Completion Programs?

Online Program Student working at kitchen table

Did you know that most college students don’t complete their degrees in four years? Less than half actually manage to earn their degree that quickly. But more than half do complete their degree within six years. If you started your degree, but haven’t finished it yet, you’re definitely not alone. And a degree completion program can get you back on track. It allows you to pick up from where you started, transferring earned credits into a new program. Whether you paused your education to begin working, earned an associate degree, or just want to transfer to another college, a degree completion program can help you get to the next phase of your education.

Benefits of Degree Completion Programs

A degree completion program gives you a chance to continue your education, to advance your skills, and to finish what you started. If you already earned an associate degree, you can further your knowledge and attain a bachelor’s degree that may open you up to new career possibilities. Add the degree to your resume, improve your credentials, and stand out from other candidates during the job hunt. Here are a few other benefits of degree completion programs:

Complete Your Degree Online

Many degree completion programs can be completed online. This offers you the flexibility to complete your classes from when and where you choose. Fit the coursework and exams into your schedule without worrying about a commute to campus or set classroom times.

Degree Completion Through Shorter Terms

A typical college semester can be 15 weeks or more, but online degree completion programs may offer abbreviated semesters with 7.5 week terms. Instead of a full course load, you could take two courses a semester and earn 36 semesters in a year.

Financial Aid for Degree Completion

When you enroll in a degree completion program, you may still be eligible for financial aid packages and scholarships. Check with the Federal Student Aid website to see if you meet eligibility requirements. If you finished your associate degree at a technical college within the same state, your school may also have a partnership that allows for a smooth and easy transfer to a bachelor’s completion program.

What Majors Can I Choose in a Degree Completion Program?

You can choose from any number of majors through a degree completion program including:

  • Healthcare Administration
  • Sports Management
  • Criminal Justice
  • Computer Science
  • Educational Studies

You could also major in business and study a particular concentration such as marketing, accounting, finance, business law, and management.  

How Do I Apply to a Degree Completion Program?

To transfer into a degree completion program, you must submit a completed application along with the school’s application fee, and an official copy of your college transcripts. You may also need to submit a copy of your high school transcripts, or SAT/ACT test scores, depending on how the criteria of the college and how many college credits you hope to transfer.

Once your paperwork is received, the institution will evaluate your previous college work and will decide which credits can be accepted. Up to 76 credit hours may be accepted for a bachelor’s degree completion program, provided the grades earned were a “C” or above and the credits were earned at a regionally accredited institution.

Are you ready to continue your education? Contact Limestone University today. You can explore any of our majors or choose between two distinct completion programs that may accept your AAS credit hours. Check out the Bachelor of Applied Science in Professional Studies or Business Administration. With your transferred credits, either program can be completed online in two years or less. Click the button to learn more.